Autonome Topic Maps. Zur dezentralen Erstellung von implizit und explizit vernetzten Topic Maps in semantisch heterogenen Umgebungen
Dissertation, was published by Lutz Maicher at 2008-07-03
External Link: download paper
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird mit Autonomen Topic Maps (ATM) eine Konzeption entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe die dezentrale Erstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, vernetzter Dokumente in semantisch heterogenen Umgebungen ermöglicht wird. Eine ATM ist eine Topic Map, die eine durch einen generischen Interpreter ausführbare Modellierungsmethoden formalisiert, durch deren Ausführung Beobachtungen zu einer spezifischen Domäne in implizit und explizit vernetzten Topic Maps adäquat dezentral dokumentiert werden. ATMs können leicht verteilt werden und in Interpretern für beliebige Anwendungskontexte genutzt werden. Das Konzept der ATMs erlaubt somit die Skalierung der Erstellung von Topic Maplets, um die kritische Masse an Content für das TMweb zu erzeugen.
Lutz Maicher ...

Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. , and Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
This publication cites the following publications

Metadata on the Web: On the Integration of RDF and Topic Maps
by Paolo Ciancarini, Valentina Presutti, ...

Visual Browsing and Editing of Topic Map-Based Learning Repositories
by Boriana Ditcheva and Darina Dicheva

TopiMaker – An Implementation of a Novel Topic Maps Visualization.
by Rani Pinchuk, Bernard Fontaine, ...

Visualizing Search Results from Metadata-Enabled Repositories in Cultural Domains
by Thea Miller and Lynne C. Howarth

Implementierung eines auf der XForms-Technologie basierenden Editors zur manuellen ...
by Roman Huditsch

Closing the Semantic Gap in Topic Maps and OWL Ontologies with Modelling Workflow ...
by Lutz Maicher and Martin Böttcher

MAKO: Multi-Ontology Analytical Knowledge Organization based on Topic Maps
by Larry Kerschberg and Riki Morikawa

Automatische Erstellung individualisierter, domänenspezifischer Topic-Maps zur ...
by Lutz Maicher, Gerhard Heyer, and Karsten Böhm, ...

Distributed Knowledge Management in the Absence of Shared Vocabularies.
by Lutz Maicher and Thomas Schwotzer

Merging of Distributed Topic Maps based on the Subject Identity Measure
by Lutz Maicher and Hans Friedrich Witschel

Multiple Subject Map Patterns for Relationships and TMDM Information Items.
by Steven R. Newcomb and Patrick Durusau

Metamorphosis – A Topic Maps Based Environment to Handle Heterogeneous Information ...
by José Carlos Ramalho, ...

Replication of Published Subject Indicators as thesaurus by means of LDAP
by Thomas Schwotzer and Agnes Cebulla

Topic Map Constraint Language (TMCL) Requirements and Use Cases (2004)
by Graham Moore, Mary Nishikawa, ...

From Implicit Patterns to Explicit Templates. Next step for Topic Maps interoperability
by Bernard Vatant
This publication is cited in the following publications
Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.