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Distributed Knowledge Management in the Absence of Shared Vocabularies.

Paper, was published by Lutz Maicher and Thomas Schwotzer at 2005-11-10

This paper tries a liaison of the Knowledge Port Approach and the SIM Approach.

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Distributed Knowledge Management Systems (DKMS) are often faced to heterogeneous environments associated with the absence of shared vocabularies. DKMSs realise Knowledge Flows between autonomous Knowledge Nodes as parts of social networks. Schwotzer models the KNs’ individual policies for input relevance and output strategy as Knowledge Ports. Topic Map Technologies are well suited for the semantic integration of distributed, heterogeneous knowledge. But current implementations base on pure naming approaches to Subject Identity in connection with the use of shared vocabularies. Maicher’s SIM Approach helps to use Topic Map Technologies for the semantic integration of distributed, heterogeneous knowledge in the absence of shared vocabularies. To detect Subject similarity it exploits the Topics’ usage in the current context. Our contribution is the liaison of the Knowledge Port Approach and the SIM Approach. This leads to DKMSs which significantly better deal with the absence of shared vocabularies.


L. Maicher, T. Schwotzer. Distributed Knowledge Management in the Absence of Shared Vocabularies. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management (I-KNOW’05), Graz July 2005.



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Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab