Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps: Making sense of it all!
Paper, by Lars Marius Garshol
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To be faced with a document collection and not to be able to find the information you know exists somewhere within it is a problem as old as the existence of document collections. Information architecture is the discipline dealing with the modern version of this problem: how to organize web sites so that users can actually find what they are looking for. Information architects have so far applied known and well-tried tools from library science to solve this problem, and now topic maps are sailing up as another potential tool for information architects. This raises the question of how topic maps compare with the traditional solutions, and that is the question this paper attempts to address. The paper argues that topic maps go beyond the traditional solutions in the sense that they provide a framework within which they can be represented as they are, but also extended in ways which significantly improve information retrieval.
L. M. Garshol, “Metadata? thesauri? taxonomies? topic maps! making sense of it all,” Journal of Information Science, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 378-391, 2004.
Lars Marius Garshol
No contact information available.

Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo, Topic Maps Tools, and duke - fast deduplication.. .
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