TopiMaker – An Implementation of a Novel Topic Maps Visualization.
Book Chapter, was published by Rani Pinchuk, Bernard Fontaine, David De Weerdt, Juan-Jose de Orus, and Richard Aked at 2007-09-04
External Link: download paper
As Topic Maps allow a structural representation of knowledge, this structure often needs to be visually presented to end-users. Issues, often contradictory, such as representation and navigation requirements, arise.
TopiMaker addresses most of these issues by putting the Topic Map as a graph on a 2D ground plane in an interactive 3D world. Topics can be elevated to planes that are parallel to the ground plane. This results in some unique qualities. Furthermore, the notion of ghost topics is introduced to alleviate information overload and occlusion problems. A separate
window exploits tree-like features of certain association types. Features such as filtering, searching, selecting, modifying, importing, exporting, merging, querying and constraining the Topic Map are integrated with this visualization technique to make of TopiMaker a novel Topic Map authoring environment.
Rani Pinchuk
No contact information available.

Rani is involved in LINDO, DIADEM, ULISSE, TopiEngi, and SATOPI.
Bernard Fontaine

Bernard is author of Creating Topic Maps.. , TopiMaker – An.. , TopiWriter - Integrating.. , and Toma - TMQL, TMCL, TMML.
David De Weerdt
No contact information available.

David is author of TopiMaker – An.. , TopiWriter - Integrating.. , and Toma - TMQL, TMCL, TMML.
Juan-Jose de Orus

Juan-Jose is author of TopiMaker – An.. , TopiWriter - Integrating.. , and Toma - TMQL, TMCL, TMML.
Richard Aked
No contact information available.

Richard is author of TopiMaker – An.. , TopiWriter - Integrating.. , and Toma - TMQL, TMCL, TMML.
Presented at
TMRA 2006
Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}

TMRA - the international conference series on Topic Maps Research and Applications - is a scientific and industrial forum whose main object is …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2006
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As a former information scientist, I am fascinated since 1999 by the capabilities for building Topic Maps-based knowledge systems having the potential to augment human mind. One can model arbitrary knowledge organization systems, deal with semantic heterogeneity, collocate all facts about one subject in one logical place, and with TMQL have semantic retrieval on federated semantic networks. Therefore I expect bright prospects for business concepts building on the exchange of such knowledge snippets via semantic knowledge services.