Gjennomføring av et emnekartprosjekt
by Lars Marius Garshol

Hvordan ser et typisk emnekartprosjekt ut? Hvordan skiller det seg fra andre IT-prosjekter? Hvilken kompetanse krever det? Er utarbeidelse av …
Was presented at Emnekart 2003.
Automatic Topic Map Generation from Free ...
by Ann Houston
This work reports on the formulation and use of linguistic templates to identify and extract topic map components (topics, occurrences, …
Was presented at TMRA 2007.

Topic Maps as Application Data Model for Subject-centric Applications
by Gerhard Weber, Ralf Eilbracht, ...

A Topic Maps-based ontology IR system versus Clustering-based IR System: A Comparative ...
by Myongho Yi and Sam Oh

Quality, Relevance and Importance in Information Retrieval with Fuzzy Semantic Networks
by Roy Lachica, Dino Karabeg, and Sasa Rudan

by Lars Heuer and Johannes Schmidt

Creating Web Presentation for Observatory and Planetarium with Topic Maps
by Martina Husáková and Kamila Olševičová
Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.