Curing the Web's Identity Crisis. Subject Indicators for RDF
Paper, was published by Steve Pepper and Sylvia Schwab at 2004-04-20
External Link: more information
This paper describes the crisis of identity facing the World Wide Web and, in particular, the RDF community. It shows how that crisis is rooted in a lack of clarity about the nature of “resources” and how concepts developed during the XML Topic Maps effort can provide a solution that works not only for Topic Maps, but also for RDF and semantic web technologies in general.
This publication is cited in the following publications

Autonome Topic Maps. Zur dezentralen Erstellung von implizit und explizit vernetzten ...
by Lutz Maicher

Moving Topic Maps to Mainstream – Integration of Topic Map Generation in the Users’ ...
by Karsten Böhm, Lutz Maicher, ...

Closing the Semantic Gap in Topic Maps and OWL Ontologies with Modelling Workflow ...
by Lutz Maicher and Martin Böttcher
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
