Local TV channel is covering the Topic Maps ...
Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.

In August 2011 Sven Windisch, Lutz Maicher and Jens Schulze-Foster presented some insights about Karl-Benjamin Preusker and his relationships to …
Is about Sven Windisch and .. .
MaJorToM server v. 1.0.0 released
Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.

The MaJorToM server is a Spring application which provides a TMQL HTTP interface to query topic maps. The server is intended as back end for Topic …
Is about MaJorToM Server, MaJorToM, ...

CouchTM Released
2011-04-21 by Lutz Maicher

Kuria v. 1.0.1 Released
2011-04-21 by Lutz Maicher

Aranuka v. 1.1.0 Released
2011-04-19 by Lutz Maicher

TMQL4J 3.1.0 Released
2011-04-18 by Lutz Maicher

MaJorToM v. 1.2.0 Released
2011-04-15 by Lutz Maicher

TMQL canonizer Released
2011-04-14 by Lutz Maicher

Spreadsheet Data Connector Released
2011-04-12 by Lutz Maicher

Preusker 2011 - cooperation with the Archaeological Heritage Office of Saxony and TML ...
2011-03-18 by Lutz Maicher and Sven Windisch

Press coverage for Thomaner project
2011-03-07 by Lutz Maicher

JTM writer 1.0 released as open source
2011-03-07 by Lutz Maicher

Maiana February Release
2011-02-21 by Uta Schulze and Michael Prilop

New MaJorToM Topic Map Store based on redis
2011-02-18 by Sven Krosse and Benjamin Bock

Tmql4j Suite 3.0.0 Released
2011-02-14 by Sven Krosse

Onotoa covered by Eclipse magazine
2011-02-09 by Lutz Maicher

Practical Semantics seminar in Leipzig covered by the German Ministry (BMBF) website
2011-01-28 by Lutz Maicher

Maiana 2010 release
2010-12-22 by Uta Schulze
As a former information scientist, I am fascinated since 1999 by the capabilities for building Topic Maps-based knowledge systems having the potential to augment human mind. One can model arbitrary knowledge organization systems, deal with semantic heterogeneity, collocate all facts about one subject in one logical place, and with TMQL have semantic retrieval on federated semantic networks. Therefore I expect bright prospects for business concepts building on the exchange of such knowledge snippets via semantic knowledge services.