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NP for Compact Topic Maps Syntax

Technical Report, was published by Sam Oh at 2005-12-22

This proposed standard specifies a compact, text-based notation for representing topic maps.

External Links: download paper and more information

There is a need for a text-based notation for representing topic maps as defined in ISO/IEC 13250:2003. Such a notation would complement the existing XML interchange syntax (XTM), and provide a simple, compact notation for:

- manually authoring topic maps
- providing human-readable examples
- providing a common, lightweight syntax as a basis for TMCL and TMQL

Two text-based notations already exist and have achieved widespread use in the Topic Maps community: the Linear Topic Map Notation (LTM) and AsTMa=. They are principally used for manually authoring topic maps and for providing short, human-readable examples in documents.

However, both of these notations are proprietary. As Topic Maps achieves greater adoption in the wider community, the goals of interchange are better served by having a single, standardized notation. In addition, Topic Maps Constraint Language (ISO 19756) and Topic Maps Query Language (ISO 18048), both of which are currently under development, require a simple text-based notation. By defining CTM at this stage, all of these requirements can be harmonized.

If approved, CTM will become Part 6 of ISO 13250.


Sam Oh

No contact information available. 



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CTM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Compact Syntax. CTM is defined by ISO 13250-6, that is, part 6 of the Topic Maps standard. It’s a textual notation to describe topic maps.


Topic Maps provides a proven means for data integration scaling to the
web, as well as a core technology for our highly flexible applications
with largely autogenerated frontend structures.

Stefan Kesberg
topicWorks Navigator
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab