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Closing the Semantic Gap in Topic Maps and OWL Ontologies with Modelling Workflow Patterns

Paper, was published by Lutz Maicher and Martin Böttcher at 2006-11-17

This paper proposes the Modelling Workflow Patterns (MWP).

External Link: download paper

The existing semantic gaps in ontologies are the reason why the challenges in interoperability and integrations tasks within the Semantic Web are often missed. It is due to the fact, that each ontology inherently implies a set of different model types. We argue that an ontology has to disclose the modelling method which intentionally defines the model type used in an application. This paper proposes a solution based on a generic, workflow-based description of the modelling method: the Modelling Workflow Patterns (MWP). Based on Petri nets as information model, MWPs can be processed by generic interpreters to create valid instances of the specified model type. This paper presents an implemented architecture consuming workflow modelling patterns for Topic Maps and OWL ontologies.


Information wants to be free. Information wants to be a topic map.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab