A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Proposals
Technical Report, was published by Steve Pepper, Fabio Vitali, Lars Marius Garshol, Valentina Presutti, and Nicola Gessa at 2005-03-29
External Link: more information
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a model developed by the W3C for representing information about resources in the World Wide Web. Topic Maps is a standard for knowledge integration developed by the ISO. This document contains a survey of existing proposals for integrating RDF and Topic Maps data and is intended to be a starting point for establishing standard guidelines for RDF/Topic Maps interoperability.
Fabio Vitali
No contact information available.

Fabio is author of Metadata on the Web: On the.. , Guidelines for RDF/Topic.. , A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps.. , Towards the definition of.. , and Reusing data across Topic.. .
Lars Marius Garshol
No contact information available.

Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo, Topic Maps Tools, and duke - fast deduplication.. .
Nicola Gessa

Nicola is author of A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps.. and Towards the definition of.. .
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