Topic Maps Reference Model
Technical Report, was published by Robert Barta, Steven R. Newcomb, and Patrick Durusau at 2007-11-07
External Link: download paper
This Standard defines TMRM (Topic Maps Reference Model), which is more abstract and has fewer ontological commitments. Its purpose is to serve as a minimal, conceptual foundation for subject-centric data models such as the TMDM, and to supply ontologically neutral terminology for disclosing these. It defines what is required to enable the mapping of different subject-centric data models together to meet the overall goal of the Topic Maps standards, that each subject has a single location for all the information about it.
TMRM also provides a formal foundation for related Topic Maps standards such as ISO/IEC
18048 Topic Maps Query Language (TMQL) and ISO/IEC 19756 Topic Maps Constraint Language (TMCL).
Robert Barta
No contact information available.

Robert is project leader of Perl XTM Engine (superseeded.. and Perl TM.
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