Application Framework Based on Topic Maps
Book Chapter, was published by Motomu Naito and Frédéric Andrès at 2006-02-15
External Links: download paper and download slides
One of the most interesting aspects of subject-centric information processing as services is the relationship between resources and subjects. Especially Topic Maps and Published Subjects are core elements of the infrastructure of relationship management. This paper proposes an Application Framework based on Topic Maps. The Application Framework will make possible to realize subject-centric processing. Furthermore in the framework, we can express the semantic distance between topics based on a relationship cost between two nodes of the Topic Map. This paper also introduces some challenges such as software development process and semantic management. Finally, we will overview the on-going on development of the Application Framework to manage those subjects.
Motomu Naito
Motomu is project leader of Topic Maps case example. He is involved in Everyday Physics on Web.
Presented at
TMRA 2005
Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}

TMRA’05 - International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications - provides a forum for community building in the field of Topic Map research …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2005
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