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TMQL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Query Language.

Associated Topics

Topic Maps — Query Language 

Edited by Robert Barta and Lars Marius Garshol.


This International Standard defines a formal language for accessing information organized according to the Topic Maps paradigm. This document provides syntax to form valid query …

Topic Maps Lab at ISO meeting in Prague

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Benjamin Bock and Hannes Niederhausen from the Topic Maps Lab work on the Topic Maps standards at the Prague ISO meeting.

Is about TMCL, TMQL, and TMRM, ...

Topic Maps Lab provides Project Management ...

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The Redmine project management web application will be used to aid standardization work on CTM, TMCL, TMQL and TM/DC

Is about TMCL and TMQL.

Make your hands dirty with TMQL4J in the ...

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The Topic Maps Lab has implemented the 2008 TMQL draft from Barta and Garshol. To play around with this TMQL proposal we have added it to the …

Is about TMQL, Sven Krosse, and TMQL4J, ...

Production-ready TMQL implementation now ...

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. We have released the production-ready engine to open …

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, ...

The virtual fan block yacca.me is released!

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Yacca is a social game. It is a virtual fan block for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. Everything in Yacca revolves around the Yacca cards …

Is about TMQL, yacca.me, and Maiana.

Maiana May Release

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Exactly on time, the Maiana team is proud to present the May release of the Lab’s Social Topic Maps Browser. This month we are especially curious …

Is about TMQL, Maiana, ...

TMQL tutorial, part 1

by Sven Krosse


This is the first part of a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

TMQL tutorial, part 2

by Sven Krosse


This is the second part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

TMQL tutorial, part 3

by Sven Krosse


This is the third part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

TMQL tutorial, part 4

by Sven Krosse


This is the fourth part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, Maiana, and TMQL4J.

TMQL tutorial, part 5

by Sven Krosse


This is the fifth part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, Maiana, and TMQL4J.

TMQL tutorial, part 6

by Sven Krosse


This is the sixth part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

TMQL tutorial, part 7

by Sven Krosse


This is the seventh part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

TMQL tutorial, part 8

by Sven Krosse


This is the eighth part in a series of TMQL tutorials.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and Maiana.

Maiana August Release

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


We’d like to present the new features of the Lab’s social Topic Maps explorer Maiana: using MaJorToM as Topic Maps engine, the history …

Is about TMQL, Maiana, and MaJorToM, ...

Maiana 2010 release

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Yesterday, the Maiana team released the last version of Maiana of 2010. In the last three months, many changes and improvements have been made. This …

Is about TMQL and Maiana.

Tmql4j Suite 3.0.0 Released

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The new version 3.0.0 of the tmql4j query suite was released at google code. In this version tmql4j is more flexible and powerful to satisfy every …

Is about TMQL and TMQL4J.

TMQL canonizer Released

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The TMQL canonizer is an online validation service for TMQL queries.

Is about TMQL, TMQL4J, and TMQL Canonizer.

TMQL4J 3.1.0 Released

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


The Topic Maps Lab has released version 3.1.0 of the Java-based Topic Maps query engine TMQL4J.

Is about TMQL, JTMQR, and TMQL4J.

Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung ...

by Sven Krosse 


Mit der Entwicklung im Rahmen des Web 2.0. gewann die Datenmodellierungstechnik Topic Maps zunehmend an Bedeutung als Informationsbasis, für …

Modeling Names

by Xuân Baldauf 


This paper argues that the hierarchy between topic name items and variant items of the TMDM resembles a hierarchy between names and particular …

Multidimensional Topic Maps - A brief ...

by Thomas Schwotzer 


Topic Maps are means to formalize an ontology. Ontologies are used to describe a domain of discourse. In same cases, a domain comprises facets from …

Semantic Integration of Relational Data ...

by Thomas Neidhart and Rani Pinchuk 


Data integration of heterogeneous data sources plays a major role in the development of modern knowledge management systems. Additional enrichment …

Was presented at TMRA 2009.

JRuby Topic Maps

by Arnim Bleier, Benjamin Bock, and Uta Schulze, ...  


The Topic Maps Application Programming Interface (TMAPI) provides a standardized way for working with Topic Maps, but only in Java. TMAPI

Was presented at TMRA 2009.

Isidor-UI: Generating a User Interface with ...

by Christoph Ludwig, Marc Wilhelm Küster, ...  


By now Open Source Topic Engines exist in abundance { TM4J and OKS for Java, RTM for Ruby, Mappa for Python, Topincs for PHP, Isidorus for Common …

Was presented at TMRA 2009.

Report From the Open Space Sessions of TMRA ...

by Lars Marius Garshol and Lutz Maicher 


This is a summary of the presentations made in the two open space sessions at the TMRA 2008 conference. The open space sessions were free-form …

Was presented at TMRA 2009.

Implementing TMQL for teaching: The ...

by Benjamin Bock and Sven Krosse 


Here are a lot of voices claiming, the current TMQL draft is too hard to understand and to implement. We argue that it is not the content but the …

Was presented at TMRA 2009.

Topic Maps run from XML and is coming back ...

by Benjamin Bock, Sven Krosse, and Lutz Maicher 


In its history, Topic Maps developed from a syntax-based standard to a pure data model without any syntax defined within its core data model. The …

Topic Map and Its Application to Document ...

by Haiyan Tian, Jiangning Wu, and Guangfei Yang 


As computer and network technologies develop, information on line becomes flooded. Under this condition searching requested documents is really a …

Towards a Formal TMQL Semantics

by Robert Barta 


TMQL, the upcoming standardized Topic Maps query language, may become the main work horse for semantic web applications based on the Topic Maps …

Was presented at TMRA 2006.

TMQL Overview

by Robert Barta 


TMQL, the query language to query Topic Map oriented information, slowly inches towards standardization. This document provides an overview over the …

Topic Maps Query Language

by Lars Marius Garshol and Robert Barta 


This International Standard defines a formal language for accessing information organized according to the Topic Maps paradigm. This document …

TMQL requirements (1.0.0)

by Hans Holger Rath and Lars Marius Garshol 


This document sets down the requirements that will guide the work with the Topic Map Query Language (TMQL), a query language for topic maps that is …

TMQL Use Case Solutions

by Lars Marius Garshol and Robert Barta 


This document collects solutions to the TMQL use cases in different languages into a single document for comparison purposes. The idea is that …

Preliminary working draft for Topic Map ...

by Ann Wrightson 


A preliminary draft for discussion; intended as a substantive discussion paper to table alongside a NWI proposal for ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34 at …

TMQL requirements (0.8.2)

by Hans Holger Rath and Lars Marius Garshol 


This document sets down the requirements that will guide the work with the Topic Map Query Language (TMQL), a query language for topic maps. The …

Semantically Enabled SOS with Topic Maps

by Robert Barta and Thomas Bleier 


Sensor Web Sensor Web Enablement is a consistent standardization effort of the OGC (Open Geo Consortium) to cope with an environment of pervasive …

tolog for TMQL

by Lars Marius Garshol 


Do you really need to find something in Topic Maps, not just browse them? Perhaps you want to edit Topic Maps, and your tool needs to select …

Defining Domain-Specific Facets for Topic ...

by Sven Windisch and Lutz Maicher 


The automatic generation of facets works fairly bad for fine-modeled ontologies, in which not all information concerning a single Topic is available …

Was presented at TMRA 2010.

tolog - A Topic Maps Query Language (2004)

by Lars Marius Garshol 


This paper describes a query language for topic maps called tolog. This query language is inspired by Prolog and, as described in this paper, …

tolog - Language Tutorial

by Lars Marius Garshol 


This document is a tutorial introduction to the tolog topic map query language. It explains how to use all the features of the language, as defined …

Extensions for Integrated Queries on ...

by Cheng-Zen Yang, Ing-Xiang Chen, and Jia-Da Ye 


Semantic Web query languages are designed to carry out the machine understandability of the Semantic Web. However, most popular Semantic Web query …


is a {{project}}.


The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. The engine is designed as processing chain of independent ...

Visit homepage of TMQL4J


is a {{project}}.


The TMQL query engine for Ruby Topic Maps. See the "TMQL documentation":http://tmql.topicmapslab.de/ for more information about TMQL and TMQL4J.

Visit homepage of rtm-tmql


is a {{project}}.


Yacca is a social game. It is a virtual fan block for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. Everything in Yacca revolves around the Yacca cards ...

Visit homepage of yacca.me

TMQL Console

is a {{project}}.


TMQL console to run TMQL queries against locally loaded topic maps. The TMQL console uses "TMQL4J":/projects/TMQL4J and ...

Visit homepage of TMQL Console

TMQL syntax for Codepress

is a {{project}}.


TMQL syntax for highlighting TMQL in Codepress. This syntax is used in "Maiana":https://maiana.topicmapslab.de/u/lmaicher/query/opera/tmql.

Visit homepage of TMQL syntax for ...

TM2O - an OData service for topic maps

is a {{project}}.


TM2O exposes Topic Maps data as Odata. The "Open Data Protocol":http://www.odata.org (OData) is a Web protocol for querying (and updating) data that ...

Visit homepage of TM2O - an OData ...

TMQL-BIRT Data Provider

is a {{project}}.


BIRT is an open source Eclipse-based reporting system that integrates with Java/Java EE applications to produce compelling reports. The TMQL BIRT ...

Visit homepage of TMQL-BIRT Data ...

TMQL Canonizer

is a {{project}}.


The TMQL canonizer is a Java server page (JSP) which validates a TMQL query against the 2008, 2010 or 2011 draft of the query language. If the ...

Visit homepage of TMQL Canonizer

MaJorToM Server

is a {{project}}.


Majortom Server is a Spring application which provides a TMQL HTTP interface to query topic maps. The server allows you to easily distribute topic ...

Visit homepage of MaJorToM Server


is a {{project}}.


Tamana is a tool to view and refine topic maps. It provides a Maiana-like viewer, a refine view and a TMQL console to test TMQL Queries or to access ...

Visit homepage of Tamana

Oomap Loomap

is a {{project}}.


Oomap Loomap is a GUI to execute queries against locally loaded Topic Maps. Currently it supports the following languages: ...

Visit homepage of Oomap Loomap

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 34 - Spring 2010 Meeting

Meeting from {{start}} to {{end}}


The spring meeting 2010 of the ISO standardization committee for the Topic Maps standards. The meeting will take place in Stockholm.

Visit homepage of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 34 ...


Nowadays Topic Maps appears to be very suitable for being applied in Libraries, Archives and Museums. It provides a suitable model and mechanisms for depth indexing, classification and the implementation of FRBR, CIDOC-CRM or other conceptualizations.

Liliana Melgar
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab