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The virtual fan block yacca.me is released!

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Yacca is a social game. It is a virtual fan block for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. Everything in Yacca revolves around the Yacca cards for the players of the championship. Whenever the Yacca card of a player is displayed in the web, the players Yacca points are increased. The player cards are widgets which are delivered from Maiana out of the Yacca topic map.

Yacca provides a Yacca card for every player of the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. The cards themselves are Mashups which merge player information hosted by Maiana and tweets provided by Twitter. Technically spoken, the cards are HTML snippets produced from structured data and provided by Maiana, the social Topic Maps explorer from the Topic Maps Lab. These HTML snippets are produced by Maiana based on TMQL queries (Topic Maps Query Language) which are parameterized and sent by the widget code. The structured data behind Yacca is hosted by the Yacca Topic Map in Maiana which can be explored . Using an embed code, the Yacca cards can easily be integrated in third party websites and blogs.

The Yacca application itself is implemented in Ruby on Rails. It is responsible for managing the Yacca scores of the players and teams. Whenever a Yacca card widget of a player is displayed in the web, the Yacca application is requested to increase the score of the according player. Based on this score information lists of most popular players and teams are delivered in the Yacca application.

Yacca is a virtual fan block for Topic Maps and the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. To support Topic Maps and your favourite player make its card visible in the web. Invite your friends to visit, bookmark and embed their favourite Yacca site!

Subject Matter


is a {{project}}.


Yacca is a social game. It is a virtual fan block for the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™. Everything in Yacca revolves around the Yacca cards ...

Visit homepage of yacca.me


is a {{project}}.


Maiana - Yet another generic topic maps browser? Yes, but it's social :) *What it is?* Maiana is the most efficient service to host, explore and ...



is associated with {{count}} items.


TMQL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Query Language.


Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab