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Implementing TMQL for teaching: The straightforward approach with emphasis on understandability and modularity

Poster, was published by Benjamin Bock and Sven Krosse at 2009-11-13

This poster speaks for a user-centric documentation of the current TMQL draft.

External Link: more information

Here are a lot of voices claiming, the current TMQL draft is too hard to understand and to implement. We argue that it is not the content but the presentation thereof. A clear user-centric documentation with lots of examples and a straightforward, modulary, publicly available implementation in a mainstream programming language will greatly help the understanding and acceptance of the current efforts. Additionally, this modulary implementation can show possible ways to modularize the standard itself.

Presented at

TMRA 2009

Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}


Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2009



is associated with {{count}} items.


TMQL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Query Language.


Topic Maps offered the semantic flexibility that I needed in Topincs, an application with an unlimited domain. It allowed me to make statements about any subjects. Exactly what I was looking for.

Robert Cerny
Topincs - a web database software
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab