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Isidor-UI: Generating a User Interface with Topic Maps Constraint Language and JavaScript Object Notation

Paper, was published by Christoph Ludwig, Marc Wilhelm Küster, and Lukas Georgieff at 2009-11-13

This paper discribes how TMCL and JSON can be used for generic GUIs for Topic Maps.

External Link: more information

By now Open Source Topic Engines exist in abundance { TM4J and OKS for Java, RTM for Ruby, Mappa for Python, Topincs for PHP, Isidorus for Common Lisp, to name only a few. The same cannot be said for generic Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Topic Maps that are accessible to end-users. With the upcoming Topic Maps Constraint Language (TMCL) and the growing number of applications using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as transport format, the use of these two important technologies suggests itself to autogenerate GUIs, the challenge answered by Isidor-UI. This paper explores this question in more details and presents an Open Source Ajax-based GUI framework that builds on TMCL and JSON to generate a user interface for a given ontology. It also suggests a transport protocol for a loosely-coupled server-client model.


Christoph Ludwig

No contact information available. 


Christoph is author of Isidor-UI: Generating a User.. and Versioning in distributed.. .

Marc Wilhelm Küster



Marc Wilhelm is project leader of isidorus.

Lukas Georgieff

No contact information available. 


Lukas is author of Isidor-UI: Generating a User.. and Designing a GUI Description.. .

Presented at

TMRA 2009

Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}


Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2009



is a {{project}}.


Ontopia is a complete set of open source tools for building, maintaining, and deploying Topic Maps-based applications.

Visit homepage of Ontopia


This project is currently not categorised.


Isidorus is an Open Source Topic Map engine actively developed using sbcl and elephant. Isidorus supports import and export of XTM 1.0 and 2.0, full ...

Visit homepage of isidorus

JSON Topic Maps Online Validation

is a {{project}}.


This validator helps to validate a topic maps fragment written in the JSON Topic Maps (JTM) notation.

Visit homepage of JSON Topic Maps ...

Topincs - a web database software

is a {{project}}.


Topincs puts data on the web. It is a free open source software for quick access and editing of data in the web browser.

Visit homepage of Topincs - a web ...

Ruby Topic Maps

is a {{project}}.


RTM is a Topic Maps Engine written in Ruby.

Visit homepage of Ruby Topic Maps



is associated with {{count}} items.


TMDM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Data Model. You will find a compact illustration of all relationships within the TMDM


is associated with {{count}} items.


TMCL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Constraint Language.


is associated with {{count}} items.


TMQL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Query Language.


The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.

Steffen Hüttner
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab