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TMQL canonizer Released

Published by {{by}} on {{at}} and updated at {{updated}}.


The TMQL canonizer is an online validation service for TMQL queries.

Today the Topic Maps Lab has released the TMQL canonizer, which is an online validation service for TMQL queries.The service uses the .

As depicted in the figure below the service returns the canonical form of a given query. Furthermore the parse tree is given. In the case the given TMQL query is not valid, the parse error is returned in details.

The TMQL canonizer is online available. Simply try the following TMQL query:

// http://psi.topicmapslab.de/inventurtool/project MINUS http://psi.topicmapslab.de/inventurtool/uses >> typed >> roles >> players

The code of the servlet is available as open source in the TMQL4J project at Google code.

UPDATE 2011-04-15: The canonizer now supports not only the 2008 draft of TMQL, but also the 2010 and 2011 draft.

Subject Matter


is a {{project}}.


The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. The engine is designed as processing chain of independent ...

Visit homepage of TMQL4J

TMQL Canonizer

is a {{project}}.


The TMQL canonizer is a Java server page (JSP) which validates a TMQL query against the 2008, 2010 or 2011 draft of the query language. If the ...

Visit homepage of TMQL Canonizer



is associated with {{count}} items.


TMQL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Query Language.


Topic Maps helped us not only to overcome the difficulties with information organization, but they also opened us a way for presenting the content in a structured and easy navigable way.

Boro Milivojevic
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab