Proposal to remove variants in 13250-2 Topic Maps - Data Model
Technical Report, was published by Robert Barta and Lars Heuer at 2006-01-12
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In Atlanta the committee members decided that the Topic Maps - XML Syntax XTM 1.1 need not be backwards compatible to XTM 1.0.
The namespace for the new XTM 1.1 standard will be different from XTM 1.0 and this gives the opportunity to modify the syntax. The committee members voted for renaming some elements and to remove the nesting of variant elements. Possibly more syntax changes will follow (i.e. the [reifier] property will be modelled explicitly).
The authors of this proposal realized that the mentioned backward compatibility break hold the opportunity to simplify the Topic Maps - Data Model (TMDM) and to remove the variant items (TMDM 5.5) from the standard.
In the authors opinion the variant items were kept in TMDM because it is difficult to keep the variant element in XTM but not in TMDM. Now the committee decided to break backwards compatibility, variant items could be safely removed from XTM 1.1 and TMDM.
Robert Barta
No contact information available.

Robert is project leader of Perl XTM Engine (superseeded.. and Perl TM.
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