ISO/IEC FCD 13250:1999 - Topic Maps
Technical Report, was published by Michel Biezunski, Steven R. Newcomb, and Martin Bryan at 1999-04-19
External Link: more information
This International Standard provides a standardized notation for interchangeably representing information about the structure of information resources used to define topics, and the relationships between topics. A set of one or more interrelated documents that employs the notation defined by this International Standard is called a “topic map”.
Note: This is not the final document!
This publication is cited in the following publications
A Framework for a Multidimensional OLAP Model using Topic Maps
by Robert Bruckner, A Min Tjoa, and Tok Wang Ling

Shark – a System for Management, Synchronization and Exchange of Knowledge in Mobile ...
by Thomas Schwotzer and Kurt Geihs

Authoring Topic Maps-based Digital Course Libraries
by Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva, and Yanli Sun, ...

Retrieving information in topic maps: the case of TM4L
by Dandan Wang, Darina Dicheva, and Christo Dichev, ...

Autogeneous Authorization Framework for Open Access Information Management with Topic ...
by Robert Barta and Markus W. Schranz

Consideraciones acerca de la intertextualidad: los Topic Maps como redes semánticas en ...
by Teresa Silio
La representación de los contenidos digitales: de los tesauros automáticos a las ...
by José Moreiro González
Desarrollo de un sistema de recuperación para entornos de información dinámica: ...
by José Moreiro González, ...

Topic Maps para Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (TMCRAI): ...
by Sonia Sánchez Cuadrado, ...

Distribution of Workflow Process Knowledge in Organisations
by Stefan Smolnik, Ludwig Nastansky, ...

Navigating haystacks and discovering needles: Introducing the new topic map standard
by Steve Pepper
Les Topic Maps sont-ils un bon candidat pour l’ingénierie du Web Sémantique?
by Jean-Pierre Cahier, Jean Caussanel, ...
Intelligente Agenten. Taxonomie und Topic Maps - vom Stichwortverzeichnis zur ...
by Thomas Bandholtz
Introducing Reasoning into an Industrial Knowledge Management Tool
by Michel Leclère, Olivier Carloni, ...
OfficeObjects Service Broker – An Intelligent Service Integration Platform
by Jakub Strychowski, Witold Staniszkis, ...
Indexing languages in information Management, promising future or an obsolete resource?
by José Moreiro González, ...
TMNet - Distributed Viewing and Editing of Topic Maps in the World Wide Web Environment
by Sebastian J.F. Fudickar and Klaus Rebensburg
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
