Interaktive Visualisierung von Groupware-basierten Topic Maps – Konzepte und Prototypenentwicklung
Thesis, was published by Torsten Knieps at 2003-09-01
External Link: download paper
Due to the increasing pressure of market competition and the continuously growing level of market transparency the creation and covering of competitive advantages become more and more important as a crucial strategic challenge for companies. Primarily process and product innovations as well as short response times to the fast modifying market conditions result in fundamental competitive edges. Hence the critical advantages follow from an efficient coverage of complex problem solving processes.
Therefore the major task of companies is the efficient utilization of accessible knowledge resources. Against this background today the efficient utilization of the resource knowledge is more and more accepted as a crucial microeconomically motivated determinant.
Within the scope of this thesis the fundamentals of information visualization, the paradigms of visual data exploration, the analysis of the human visual perceptional system and the internal knowledge and information representation and allocation and finally the insights from the effects of visual elements and structural dynamics on the human perceptional system are deployed for the concept development of an interactive visualization approach of widely networked knowledge structures and its implementation as a three-dimensional visualization application.
The prototype carried out as a result from this thesis enhances the basic approach of the research project K-Discovery, which was emerged at the Groupware Competence Center of the university of Paderborn, as an additional module. The K-Discovery research project addresses the integration of the Topic-Map-Standard, formalized in ISO/IEC 13250, into groupware-applications on the basis of Lotus Notes/Domino.
Please note: This thesis is in German!
Torsten Knieps
No contact information available.
Torsten is author of Mental Representations and.. and Interaktive Visualisierung.. .