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A Framework for a Multidimensional OLAP Model using Topic Maps

Paper, was published by Robert Bruckner, A Min Tjoa, and Tok Wang Ling at 2001-12-04

This paper is about a framework using XML Topic Maps.

External Links: download paper, IEEE record, and DBLP record

The goal of a data warehouse is to integrate applications at the data level. Data warehouse architectures are developing in response to our increasing data and information requirements. The traditional notion of data warehouses is evolving into a federated warehouse augmented by a set of processes and services to support integrated and consistent access to heterogeneous, decentralized warehouse systems.The evolution of data warehouses into knowledge repositories requires an architecture supporting the information acquisition from heterogeneous sources. In this paper we propose a framework using XML Topic Maps (XTM) as a foundation for the combination of Web OLAP and data warehouse resources by integrating schema information and addressing semantic heterogeneity. This aims at providing, managing and exploiting a set of integrated data warehouses for knowledge management and decision support.


Robert M. Bruckner, A Min Tjoa, Tok Wang Ling, Oscar Mangisengi, “A Framework for a Multidimensional OLAP Model using Topic Maps,” wise, vol. 2, pp.0109, Second International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE’01) Volume 2, 2001



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XTM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps XML Syntax. There are currently two versions: XTM1 and XTM2.


Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.

Stefan Smolnik
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab