Topic Maps para Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (TMCRAI): Los Topic Maps como Gestores de Bibliotecas de Objetos de Aprendizaje
Paper, was published by Sonia Sánchez Cuadrado, José Moreiro González, Jorge Morato Lara, and David García Martul at 2006-08-24
External Link: download paper
The innovating capacities are discussed that on the remote learning it has the use of a system of organization of the knowledge until now used solely in the management of documentation in great enterprise corporations. This technology are Topic Maps, a solution for contextual navigation in the Web by the information that the companies make available of the employees in intranets, but that at a distance has an enormous pedagogical potential for the formation. In this work the formative advantages in some are explained, we give gratuitously accessible in Web and finally a small scale model is made of which map for a training center would be topic at a distance.
Please note: This publication is in Spanish language!
David García Martul
No contact information available.

David is author of Topic Maps para Centros de.. .
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Topic Maps offered the semantic flexibility that I needed in Topincs, an application with an unlimited domain. It allowed me to make statements about any subjects. Exactly what I was looking for.

Topincs - a web database software