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Visualizing an Auto-Generated Topic Map

Paper, by Stefan Groschupf and Nadine Amende

This paper discusses visualization approaches and select one being most suitable for the presented topic map.

External Link: download paper

The present work was developed within the scope of a practical training and in cooperation with media-style GmbH. The aim of this practical training was visualizing an auto-generated topic map to represent important information as topics. In times of information overload and huge amounts of documents, people have to receive the information they need. Topic maps are well suited to address this problem. We look at different approaches for visualizing a topic map: graphs, trees and maps. Graphs and trees are good for an efficient navigation and a quick access to information whereas trees
provide the user with an understandable hierarchical structure. Maps represent a clear and simple overview about plenty of documents. In this paper, we discuss visualization approaches and select one being most suitable for our topic map. We elect an algorithm to realize this approach and explain its functionality. To test the quality of our map we wrote a test algorithm, which tests and if necessary improves our topic map.

This publication is cited in the following publication


Topic Maps provides a proven means for data integration scaling to the
web, as well as a core technology for our highly flexible applications
with largely autogenerated frontend structures.

Stefan Kesberg
topicWorks Navigator
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab