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Topic Maps for repositories

Paper, was published by Kal Ahmed at 2000-06-16

This paper discusses the potential application of Topic Maps.

External Link: download paper

This paper discusses the potential application of Topic Maps as an interface to a multi-user document repository; presents some possible implementation approaches to creating Topic Maps for a repository; and finally demonstrates some graphical tools for Topic Map navigation and creation.


Kal Ahmed

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Kal is project leader of TM4J TopicMap Engine, TM4Web, and TMTab.


Nowadays Topic Maps appears to be very suitable for being applied in Libraries, Archives and Museums. It provides a suitable model and mechanisms for depth indexing, classification and the implementation of FRBR, CIDOC-CRM or other conceptualizations.

Liliana Melgar
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab