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Controlled Semantic Tagging - How can Topic Maps support Subject Indexing in Digital Libraries?

Paper, was published by Hendrik Thomas, Bernd Markscheffel, and Tobias Redmann at 2007-10-07

This paper deals with the question if Topic Maps can support the modelling of indexing information.

External Link: download paper

Since time immemorial it is the manual indexing which enabled the translation of content subjects in a way which can be sufficiently searched by the reader. This paper deals with the question whether Topic Maps can support the modelling of indexing information as well as the manual indexing process itself. Furthermore we will consider the question how the expressive power of Topic Maps can be used to semantically enhance the subject indexing. In order to answer these questions a Topic Map-based concept for a “controlled semantic tagging” is presented, using a Topic Map based index vocabulary which can be extended collaboratively by users in a controlled process. The objective is to provide indexing information which fulfils high quality requirements regarding the level of detail, correctness and comprehensiveness as well as support the creation of interdisciplinary views on library


Hendrik Thomas

No contact information available. 

Tobias Redmann

No contact information available. 


Tobias is project leader of tmedit - topic map editor.. .


As a former information scientist, I am fascinated since 1999 by the capabilities for building Topic Maps-based knowledge systems having the potential to augment human mind. One can model arbitrary knowledge organization systems, deal with semantic heterogeneity, collocate all facts about one subject in one logical place, and with TMQL have semantic retrieval on federated semantic networks. Therefore I expect bright prospects for business concepts building on the exchange of such knowledge snippets via semantic knowledge services.

Alexander Sigel
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab