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Searching for metadata using knowledge bases and topic maps in Spatial Data Infrastructures

Paper, was published by Odilon Corrêa da Silva, Jugurta Lisboa-Filho, José Luís Braga, and Karla A. V. Borges at 2009-11-27

This paper presents Topic Maps as a way of minimizing metadata recovery problems.

External Links: download paper and more information

Concern for environmental issues has become a reality in all sectors of society, mainly among researchers and professionals who work directly with environmental status. In this context, several studies have been undertaken on sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazon, generating a large amount of data and information. Environmental area characterization involves the knowledge about their natural, economic and social resources, as well as understanding the interaction and correlation among them. Such interdisciplinary character requires new solutions for knowledge representation. This study proposes to minimize metadata recovery problems in Spatial Data Infrastructures by using Topic Maps and Thesaurus. This approach applied to an interface aims to allow users to visually recover information from metadata catalogs.


Odilon Corrêa da Silva

No contact information available. 


Odilon is author of Searching for metadata using.. .

Karla A. V. Borges

No contact information available. 


Karla A. V. is author of Searching for metadata using.. .


Topic Maps provides a proven means for data integration scaling to the
web, as well as a core technology for our highly flexible applications
with largely autogenerated frontend structures.

Stefan Kesberg
topicWorks Navigator
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab