Production-ready TMQL implementation now ...
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}}.

The tmql4j engine is the first Java-based engine processing the topic maps query language. We have released the production-ready engine to open …
Themen sind TMQL, TMQL4J, ...
Maiana February 2010 release
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}}.

Besides a lot of minor fixes the Feb2010 release of Maiana provides you with some new core features, like Maiana widgets for your blog, more …
Thema ist Maiana.

Maiana Jan2010 release
30.01.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Download the Onotoa handbook
21.01.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Topic Maps Lab supports IdSpace user evaluation
04.01.2010 von Lutz Maicher

New Release: Onotoa 1.1.1
21.12.2009 von Hannes Niederhausen

TMRA 2009 proceedings online available
07.12.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Corpora browser of the Wortschatz project now based on Topic Maps
24.11.2009 von Benjamin Bock und Lutz Maicher

Wrap-up of TMRA 2009 from Nexxor

Social Topic Maps browser Maiana released in beta
11.11.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Make your hands dirty with TMQL4J in the omnigator
10.11.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Ontopia Code Camp at TMRA 2009
02.10.2009 von Lutz Maicher

First screenshots of new Topic Maps Framework H-Maps
25.09.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Manuel Roj joins the team of the Topic Maps Lab
16.09.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Topic Maps Lab in regional press
04.09.2009 von Lutz Maicher
In Musica migrans we mapped the life courses of musicians in the 19th century. Topic Maps provides us the flexibility we need to model the diversity in the lives of the artists.
Musica Migrans