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New Release: Onotoa 1.1.1

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The Topic Maps Lab proudly presents a new version of Onotoa.

The Topic Maps Lab proudly presents a new version of Onotoa.

With this version a new diagram type is introduced: the domain view. This diagram is an abstraction of the TMCL-based model which provides an base for discussions with the clients of a Topic Maps based application.

In addition this release contains a lot of bugfixes and an online help containing tutorials and an extended handbook.

Download Onotoa now and feel free to report bug reports or feature request on our Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/onotoa) or the issue reporter at http://code.google.com/p/onotoa/ .

Merry Christmas and a happy new year

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TMCL is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Constraint Language.


In Musica migrans we mapped the life courses of musicians in the 19th century. Topic Maps provides us the flexibility we need to model the diversity in the lives of the artists.

Lutz Maicher
Musica Migrans
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab