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TMRA 2009 wrap-up published by the German Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF)


The German Ministry for Research and Educations (BMBF) published an article about the TMRA 2009 conference.

The German Ministry for Research and Educations (BMBF) which is the current funding organisation behind the Topic Maps Lab published an wrap-up of the TMRA 2009 conference at the website of the funding programme.

Read the full article (in German) here.

Subject Matter

TMRA 2009

Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}


Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2009


Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab