Maiana meets Wandora
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}}.

Since the latest release Wandora is now capable to export topic maps to Maiana, and to import topic maps from Maiana.
Themen sind Wandora und Maiana.
Announcement: First ARNotations alpha ...
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}}.

ARNotations is a Ruby on Rails plugin to map any kind of ActiveRecord model to a Topic Map Fragment, providing the ability to expose them TMExplore …
Thema ist ARNotations.

Maiana August Release
02.09.2010 von Uta Schulze

Announcement: Released Kuria 1.0.0
04.08.2010 von Hannes Niederhausen

Maiana June Release
13.07.2010 von Uta Schulze

MaJorToM 1.0.0 released and ready for download
28.06.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Topic Maps Lab two times at the BMBF website
25.06.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Tmql4j Suite 2.6.3 Released
17.06.2010 von Sven Krosse

MaJorToM goes open source
17.06.2010 von Sven Krosse in the finale of the AI Mashup Challenge
04.06.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Maiana May Release
01.06.2010 von Uta Schulze

TMLab logo - oil on canvas
28.05.2010 von Anika Jahn

Maiana April Release
04.05.2010 von Uta Schulze

Maiana-Hatana release
19.04.2010 von Uta Schulze

The virtual fan block is released!
13.04.2010 von Lutz Maicher

Aranuka Release 1.0.0
09.04.2010 von Hannes Niederhausen
Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.