Anika Jahn joins the Topic Maps Lab
Erstellt von {{by}} am {{at}}.

Anika Jahn joins the Topic Maps Lab

Christoph Teichmann joins Topic Maps Lab
27.04.2009 von Lutz Maicher

The TMRA 2009 web site is up
22.04.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Arnim Bleier joins the Topic Maps Lab
21.04.2009 von Lutz Maicher

Topic Maps Lab provides Project Management infrastructur for ISO editors
03.04.2009 von Benjamin Bock
Topic Maps Lab at ISO meeting in Prague
24.03.2009 von Benjamin Bock

Onotoa 1.0.2 released
23.03.2009 von Lutz Maicher und Hannes Niederhausen

Onotoa 1.0.1 available

Onotoa v. 1.0 released, a Topic Maps Lab graduate
07.03.2009 von Lutz Maicher und Hannes Niederhausen

Release of SharpTM alpha 2
11.02.2009 von Lutz Maicher und Marcel Hoyer

Soft launch of the new Topic Maps Lab portal
22.01.2009 von Michael Prilop, Benjamin Bock, ...

Neue Version von Ruby Topic Maps (RTM): 0.1.5
15.01.2009 von Benjamin Bock
Topic Maps offers an information architecture for semantic portals with
highly networked content and access paths in support of the associative
human mind. It is our technology of choice for knowledge oriented
application systems.

topicWorks Domains