Topic Maps Lab two times at the BMBF website
Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.
Within the last days the Topic Maps Labs is mentioned two times at the website of the BMBF - the German ministry for research and education - which is our main funding organisation.
Some days ago an article about Maiana was published at the BMBF website. You can read this article here (in German). The BMBF is the German ministry for research and education and our main funding organisation.
Last week we have joined a network meeting in Berlin. Manuel Roj presented some of our thoughts about business and Topic Maps. You can read the report about this meeting here.
Authors of this document are
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. , and Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Subject Matter
is a {{project}}.

Maiana - Yet another generic topic maps browser? Yes, but it's social :) *What it is?* Maiana is the most efficient service to host, explore and ...