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Maiana April Release

Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.


Today the Maiana team released the April2010 version of the social topic maps browser Maiana. The number of features has increased rapidly in the past months, so this release mainly consists of bug fixes. As “Schmankerl” (Bavarian for delicacy) we introduced the so-called MeMap.

It is time to pay ).

Each user’s initial map is a so-called MeMap which collects all public available information about this user and reveals it as a topic map. As default, this map is private but of course the owner may set it public. You could include other MeMaps in a container (introduced in our last release) to merge and interlink user data and answer questions as: “Are there users living in Leipzig?” or “What statements do the users give about themselves?”

Have fun at Maiana and stay tuned for future developments!

Authors of this document are

Uta Schulze



Uta is project leader of Maiana. She is involved in Ruby Topic Maps, TMAPIX, and MaJorToM.

Subject Matter


is a {{project}}.


Maiana - Yet another generic topic maps browser? Yes, but it's social :) *What it is?* Maiana is the most efficient service to host, explore and ...


Topic Maps offers an information architecture for semantic portals with
highly networked content and access paths in support of the associative
human mind. It is our technology of choice for knowledge oriented
application systems.

Gerhard Weber
topicWorks Domains
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab