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A Multilayer Topic-Map-Based Model Used for Document Resources Organization

Book Chapter, was published by Jiangning Wu, Guangfei Yang, and Haiyan Tian at 2006-10-04

This paper proposes a multilayer Topic-Map-based model by employing the concept of TM.

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Nowadays with the worldwide prevalence of Internet-connected computers, web resources ad hoc electronic document resources become flooded. How to organize an overwhelming amount of information and hence make an efficient retrieval from the Internet is always the hot topic in knowledge management as well as information retrieval. The Topic Map™ offers a framework for modeling and representing knowledge resources and plays a role as “GPS” in the information universe. It is hereby introduced into our study to organize document resources. By employing the concept of TM, a multilayer Topic-Map-based model is proposed in this paper. It organizes the concepts generalized from domain document contents in a hierarchical way and leads the searching process in a narrower topic space. The proposed model has been used to Chinese document organization, which makes knowledge navigating more efficiently.


Jiangning Wu

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Jiangning is author of Topic Map and Its.. and A Multilayer.. .

Guangfei Yang

No contact information available. 


Guangfei is author of Topic Map and Its.. and A Multilayer.. .

Haiyan Tian

No contact information available. 


Haiyan is author of Topic Map and Its.. and A Multilayer.. .


Information wants to be free. Information wants to be a topic map.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab