A Study of Application of Topic Map in Knowledge Organization
Paper, was published by Jianxia Ma at 2004-07-01
External Link: more information
This paper firstly gives the introduction of topic map, and its relationship with index, glossary, taxonomy,ontology, and semantic Web, and then the suitability of topic map for digial information organization is discussed. Then introduces an experimental study on the application of topic map technology in knowledge navigation for a dust
devil archive. The paper presents procedures and methods to build topic map ontology, a comparision between two topic map visualization application tools, and atool for exporting XTM file and signing the document with topic map. At last, the potential application and development of topic map is discussed.
Jianxia Ma

Jianxia is author of A Study of Application of.. and Comparative Study Between.. .
is a {{project}}.

Ontopia is a complete set of open source tools for building, maintaining, and deploying Topic Maps-based applications.
Visit homepage of Ontopia
This publication cites the following publications

Navigating haystacks and discovering needles: Introducing the new topic map standard
by Steve Pepper