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Presentation, was published by Lars Heuer and Johannes Schmidt at 2008-10-16

This paper introduces a new generation of the common Topic Maps API

This presentation introduces a new generation of the common Topic Maps API (TMAPI) which has evolved from earlier versions based on the Topic Maps Data Model (TMDM) and user experience. TMAPI 2.0 aims to support TMDM and its constraints and to provide a common, user-friendly API for Topic Maps application development independently of a concrete Topic Maps processor.




Lars Heuer

No contact information available. 

Lars is project leader of The tiny Topic Maps engine, Semagia Mappa - The Python.. , Semagia TMAPIX, Topic Maps converters, and Mappify.

Johannes Schmidt

No contact information available. 

Johannes is project leader of PHPTMAPI programming and QuaaxTM. He is author of TMAPI 2.0 , Thoughts on a Topic Mappish.. , and TMAPI 2.0 tutorial.

Presented at

TMRA 2008

Conference in Leipzig from 2008-10-15 to 2008-10-17

TMRA 2008 will be the fourth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and Applications. TMRA is the advanced …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2008


TMAPI - Common Topic Map Application ...

is a Topic Maps Programming Interface.

TMAPI is a programming interface for accessing and manipulating data held in a topic map. The TMAPI specification defines a set of core interfaces ...

Visit homepage of TMAPI - Common Topic ...


The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.

Steffen Hüttner

Topic Maps



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Grundlagen von Topic-Maps-Portalen

Start: Monday September 13 2010 17:00