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TMRA 2008

Conference (2008-10-15 - 2008-10-17)

Mediencampus Leipzig
Poetenweg 28, 04155 Leipzig, Germany

Show address on {{osm}}, {{gmaps}} or {{micromaps}}.

TMRA 2008 will be the fourth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and Applications. TMRA is the advanced scientific and industrial forum whose main object is connecting the key players in the Topic Maps community. Here you will find researchers and users in government and industry, as well as the vendors, the luminaries, and the standards creators gathered for an exchange of ideas in a stimulating setting.

Topic Maps is a semantic technology designed for the integration of information, and is as such closely connected with other information-centric technologies. TMRA is the melting pot where Topic Maps meets adjacent technologies. Researchers from related disciplines are explicitly invited to present their efforts towards the advancement of semantic technologies. Some examples, from a remarkably incomplete listing, are: markup languages, data modelling, natural language processing, cognitive science, philosophy, and software engineering.

Besides the keynotes, presented by leading heads of the Topic Maps community, the conference schedule covers parallel science- and industry-oriented tracks, poster and demonstration sessions. The latest ideas from the community are discussed in the open- space sessions.

TMRA features a full day of tutorials prior to the regular conference program. Tutorials@TMRA provides a plat- form to present and attend high quality lectures in the field of Topic Maps. The tutorials offer an opportunity to learn about new areas of Topic Maps research, to get an introduction to important established topics, or to develop higher skill levels in already familiar areas.

TMRA - the international conferences on Topic Maps Research and Applications - take place annually in October in Leipzig, Germany. It is organised by the Zentrum für Informations-, Wissens- und Dienstleistungsmanagement.

We are always looking for original, high quality papers with substantial contributions. In 2008 the TMRA proceedings will appear in the LIV series, published by the University of Leipzig. It is assured, that the proceedings are indexed by DBLP and Google Scholar. The conference language is English. Submission deadline for all contributions is early summer.


Benjamin Bock



Benjamin is project leader of Ruby Topic Maps and rtm-tmql.

Thomas Schwotzer

http://www.f4.fhtw-berlin.de/lehrende ... 


Thomas is project leader of Shark. He is involved in TM4J2ME.



Resellers can give their customers the opportunity to apply Web 3.0 technology to their web sites with topics maps-based searching, which is more suitable for single sites than Google-style navigation.

Kal Ahmed
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab