Christoph Teichmann joins Topic Maps Lab
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Christoph Teichmann joins the Topic Maps Lab. In the Topic Maps Lab Christoph will work in the second stage of the Musica migrans project.
Christoph Teichmann joins the Topic Maps Lab. Presently Christoph finishes his studies in philosophy and computer linguistics at the University of Potsdam. He is interested in formal and practical problems of parsing as well as in computational semantics. Due to his background, Christoph researches in the extraction of semantic information and structures from unstructured texts.
In the Topic Maps Lab Christoph will work in the second stage of the Musica migrans project. Within the next month the project will be extended to information of historical municipal music institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. The information of institutions will be interlinked with the musicians’ life courses in the current Musica migrans topic map.
Authors of this document are
Lutz Maicher ...

Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. , and Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Subject Matter
Christoph Teichmann

Christoph is involved in Musica Migrans. He is author of Temporal Qualification in.. .
Topic Maps is an excellent paradigm to support human thinking and to visualize networked information. As part of my PhD project, I therefore chose Topic Maps as the conceptual foundation for designing and implementing a software prototype for semantic knowledge retrieval.