The RTM RDF to topic maps mapping. Definition and introduction.
Technical Report, veröffentlicht von Lars Marius Garshol am 28.12.2003
Externer Link: more information
This technical report defines version 0.2 of the RTM RDF to topic maps mapping vocabulary.
Please note that this document is not a formal specification from any recognized standards body, but a Technical Report published by Ontopia, a commercial company, for the convenience of all interested parties. The specification may be taken up by some standards body at some point, but no initiatives in this direction have been taken as yet.
Lars Marius Garshol
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Lars Marius ist Projektleiter von TM Photo und Topic Maps Tools.
Topic Maps Framework

Ontopia is a complete set of open source tools for building, maintaining, and deploying Topic Maps-based applications.
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An erster Stelle von H-Maps steht die Einfachheit in der
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effizient gelöst werden - bei konsequenter Beachtung der Topic-Maps-Standards.


Sixth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications