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A Proposal for Extending Scope in XTM

Proposal, was published by Kal Ahmed at 2002-07-04

This document outlines a proposal for a more prescriptive treatment of the concepts of scope.

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This document outlines a proposal for an more prescriptive treatment of the concepts of scope and what it means for a characteristic assignment to be valid. The document goes on to propose the means by which this approach to scope might be encoded in an XML document.


Kal Ahmed

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Kal is project leader of TM4J TopicMap Engine, TM4Web, and TMTab.



is associated with {{count}} items.


XTM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps XML Syntax. There are currently two versions: XTM1 and XTM2.


In Musica migrans we mapped the life courses of musicians in the 19th century. Topic Maps provides us the flexibility we need to model the diversity in the lives of the artists.

Lutz Maicher
Musica Migrans
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab