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kPeer as a Context-Aware Topic Map P2P Application for the Distributed Integration of Knowledge

Paper, was published by Alexander Sigel at 2004-09-21

This paper discusses First ideas on how context may be employed within the kPeer project.

External Link: download paper

First ideas on how context may be employed within the kPeer (Knowledge Peers) project are discussed. kPeer aims at the virtual and distributed (P2P) integration and organization of assertions about subjects originating from a multiplicity of independent sources with heterogeneous metadata of varying quality. The subsequent provision and exchange of new, aggregated and context-adapted digital knowledge products and services based on Semantic Knowledge Networks has applications in Distributed Knowledge Management (DKM) and dynamic Value Webs. Knowledge goods suitable for users in comparable usage contexts - expressed as OWL-bound RDF statements or ontology-constrained Topic Map Fragments - will be offered via orchestrated W3C Web Services. Contexts as patterns for ”sense making” can aid in overcoming various information barriers, improve semantic interoperability and contribute towards the Subject Location Uniqueness Objective (SLUO). An adequate information architecture should use Published Subjects for context elements and respect principles of ontology engineering.


Topic Maps offered the semantic flexibility that I needed in Topincs, an application with an unlimited domain. It allowed me to make statements about any subjects. Exactly what I was looking for.

Robert Cerny
Topincs - a web database software
Topic Maps Lab auf der Cebit 2011

Graduate from the Topic Maps Lab