Knowledge of pharmaceutical developments using H-Maps
Presentation, was published by Steffen Hüttner and Hans Wiech at 2010-09-30
The information about the development areas of pharmaceutical companies in Europe is collected and presented in a Topic Map using the H- Maps technology. The customer company using the application is reporting about the values and advantages in the new system.
Steffen Hüttner ...

Steffen is project leader of H-Maps. He is author of H-Maps: An Efficient.. and Knowledge of pharmaceutical.. .
Presented at
TMRA 2010
Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}

With Linked Topic Maps the motto of the TMRA 2009 conference was about spinning a global web of interchangeable and linkable topic maps. Linked …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2010
is a {{project}}.

H-Maps ist die Software-Antwort der Hölle & Hüttner AG zur Darstellung Ihrer Daten- und Informationsstrukturen. Auf Basis des 1999 festegelegten ...
Visit homepage of H-Maps
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
