H-Maps: An Efficient Approach for Graphical Visualization and Navigation of Topic Maps and Data Representation in Computational Biology
Paper, was published by Markus Leber, Thilo Klöpfer, and Steffen Hüttner at 2009-11-12
External Link: more information
Nowadays semantic networks become more important in industry and modern science. For this reason there is a need for an efficient tool allowing preparation and navigation through complex data spaces. We present the novel Topic Map tool H-Maps, which offers a web based navigator providing an enhanced utilization and graphical visualization of semantic networks. Present applications transform existing content to subject-centric Topic Map representations in a one-way fashion. Preserving the advantage of transferring diverse back ends into a unified topic map in existing applications the H-Maps approach goes one step further. The resulting topic map structure can be examined and extended with an iterative procedure. Especially in science this procedure is leading to a considerable improvement of flexibility and performance as can be shown within projects of computational biology.
Steffen Hüttner
http://www.h-net.com/index.php/experten ...

Steffen is project leader of H-Maps. He is author of H-Maps: An Efficient.. and Knowledge of pharmaceutical.. .
Presented at
TMRA 2009
Conference in Leipzig from {{start}} to {{end}}

Call for Contributions TMRA 2009 will be the fifth event in the annual series of international conferences on Topic Maps Research and …
Visit homepage of TMRA 2009
is a {{project}}.

H-Maps ist die Software-Antwort der Hölle & Hüttner AG zur Darstellung Ihrer Daten- und Informationsstrukturen. Auf Basis des 1999 festegelegten ...
Visit homepage of H-Maps
is associated with {{count}} items.

TMDM is the abbreviation for Topic Maps Data Model. You will find a compact illustration of all relationships within the TMDM …
is associated with {{count}} items.

The acronym GTM stands for Graphical Topic Maps notation. GTM is a graphical notation used to define ontologies (level 1) and represent Topic Maps instance data (level 0).
This publication cites the following publications
Topic Maps offered the semantic flexibility that I needed in Topincs, an application with an unlimited domain. It allowed me to make statements about any subjects. Exactly what I was looking for.

Topincs - a web database software