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Hatana - Virtual Topic Map Merging

Presentation, was published by Uta Schulze at 2010-09-30

This paper is about the virtual merging engine Hatana.

Hatana is the Topic Maps Lab’s virtual merging engine. It is written in Java and implements the TMAPI which means that features like querying, validating, exporting and searching, that require a TMAPI map, may be applied to a Hatana map. Hatana is the basic of the container concept in Maiana.


Uta Schulze


Uta is project leader of Maiana. She is involved in Ruby Topic Maps.

Presented at

TMRA 2010

Conference in Leipzig from 2010-09-29 to 2010-10-01

With Linked Topic Maps the motto of the TMRA 2009 conference was about spinning a global web of interchangeable and linkable topic maps. Linked …

Visit homepage of TMRA 2010


As a former information scientist, I am fascinated since 1999 by the capabilities for building Topic Maps-based knowledge systems having the potential to augment human mind. One can model arbitrary knowledge organization systems, deal with semantic heterogeneity, collocate all facts about one subject in one logical place, and with TMQL have semantic retrieval on federated semantic networks. Therefore I expect bright prospects for business concepts building on the exchange of such knowledge snippets via semantic knowledge services.

Alexander Sigel

Topic Maps



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Start: Monday September 13 2010 17:00