GTM Level 1 Proposal
Presentation, was published by Lars Marius Garshol at 2008-04-06
External Link: download slides
This presentation gives not a detailed and outworked definition of the work’s to be done by GTM Level 1, it only defines the shapes of diagrams and their mapping to TMCL.
Lars Marius Garshol
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Lars Marius is project leader of TM Photo, Topic Maps Tools, and duke - fast deduplication.. .
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The acronym GTM stands for Graphical Topic Maps notation. GTM is a graphical notation used to define ontologies (level 1) and represent Topic Maps instance data (level 0).
This publication is cited in the following publication
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
