CouchTM - Eine Topic-Maps-Engine mit CouchDB-Backend
Thesis, was published by Hans-Henning Koch at 2010-11-03
External Link: download paper
CouchTM is a Topic Maps engine using the document oriented CouchDB as backend. This thesis describes and assess the implementation of CouchTM. The thesis is IN GERMAN!
Hans-Henning Koch

Hans-Henning is project leader of CouchTM. He is author of CouchDB and Topic Maps and CouchTM - Eine.. .
is a {{project}}.

CouchTM is a TMAPI topic maps engine which uses the CouchDB as backend. CouchTM can be used like any other Java based topic maps engine. ...
Visit homepage of CouchTM
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Topic Maps offers an information architecture for semantic portals with
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topicWorks Domains