Find documents? No, find people!
Presentation, was published by Jørgen Dalen at 2009-03-19
80% of the knowledge in organizations is undocumented, and can only be found in the heads of the employees. If you want to solve a problem, you must often contact a colleague rather than reading a document. This implies that effective people findability can be more important than a document search, especially in large organizations where you don’t necessarily know what person has the skills you need. The presentation shows how a global telecom company has used Topic Maps as a strategic tool to improve people findability and knowledge sharing.
Jørgen Dalen
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Jørgen is author of Find documents? No, find.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Presented at
Topic Maps Norway 2009
Conference from {{start}} to {{end}}

This will be the seventh Topic Maps conference in Oslo since 2002, and the conference profile is a bit different from last years international …
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Topic Maps is a quick and easy way to implement knowledge management into solutions, the ISO standard has proven itself time-and-time again in business, organizations and government.
