Topic Maps Norway 2009
Conference (2009-03-18 - 2009-03-19)
This will be the seventh Topic Maps conference in Oslo since 2002, and the conference profile is a bit different from last years international conference.
The Topic Maps Norway 2009 conference is aiming to reach a wider audience in Norway this year, and the conference is marketed as “Emnekart 2009” in Norway. This is also why the keynote and half of the conference will be held in Norwegian.
The program is balanced with 50/50 Norwegian and English presentations, to make an interesting conference both for Norwegians new to Topic Maps and english-speaking people interested in semantic technologies.
The conference is two days – one day of tutorials and one of presentations.
This year’s main theme is “A culture for Knowledge Sharing”, a theme with several facets:
- Open Source Topic Maps Software
- Shared Ontologies and Semantic Models
- Patterns, Best Practices and Knowledge Sharing
- Syndication and Content Sharing
- Reuse and Shared Development Costs in the Public Sector
Are D. Gulbrandsen

Are D. is author of Houston: En kunnskapsbase.. and Conceptual Modeling of Topic.. . He was keynote speaker on Emnekart 2003 and TMRA 2005.
Mark Burgess

Mark is author of Cfengine on Topical Islands. He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Jørgen Dalen
No contact information available.

Jørgen is author of Find documents? No, find.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Robert Engels
No contact information available.

Robert is author of SeSam4. He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
André Kongevold
No contact information available.

André is author of Topic Maps as Tourist.. and Emnekartverkstedverksted. He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Torstein Thorsen
No contact information available.

Torstein is author of Topic Maps or Search? . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Bodil Kjelstrup
No contact information available.

Bodil is author of Tying everything together at.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. , and Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Graham Moore

Graham is project leader of TMCore, NPCL Schema Editor for.. , and Concepts for Sharepoint.
Stian Danenbarger
No contact information available.

Stian is involved in Zope Topic Maps system (ZTM).
Reidar Bratsberg

Reidar is involved in CTM/LTM syntax highlighting and libtmrm.
Peter Brown
No contact information available.

Peter is author of Topic Maps for syndication.. and Putting it all in context:.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Robert Strind
No contact information available.

Robert is author of Evaluating Open Source.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Robert Keil
No contact information available.

Robert is author of Topic Maps as a Tool for.. . He was keynote speaker on Emnekart 2003 and Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Siv Holen
No contact information available.

Siv is author of Getting Cured with Topic Maps and Emnekartverkstedverksted. He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Jon Bing
No contact information available.

Jon is author of Knowledge-based Systems for.. . He was keynote speaker on Topic Maps Norway 2009.
Topic Maps Lab at the Topic Maps Norway ...
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Lutz Maicher from the Topic Maps Lab will present the idea and technology behind this portal at the Topic Maps Norway 2009 conference.
Is about Topic Maps Norway.. .
Topic Maps aware search adds an important and efficient access path both to information, and to the knowledge represented in our application systems.