Anika Jahn joins the Topic Maps Lab
Published by {{by}} on {{at}}.

Anika Jahn joins the Topic Maps Lab

Christoph Teichmann joins Topic Maps Lab
2009-04-27 by Lutz Maicher

The TMRA 2009 web site is up
2009-04-22 by Lutz Maicher

Arnim Bleier joins the Topic Maps Lab
2009-04-21 by Lutz Maicher

Topic Maps Lab provides Project Management infrastructur for ISO editors
2009-04-03 by Benjamin Bock
Topic Maps Lab at ISO meeting in Prague
2009-03-24 by Benjamin Bock

Onotoa 1.0.2 released
2009-03-23 by Lutz Maicher and Hannes Niederhausen

Onotoa 1.0.1 available

Onotoa v. 1.0 released, a Topic Maps Lab graduate
2009-03-07 by Lutz Maicher and Hannes Niederhausen

Release of SharpTM alpha 2
2009-02-11 by Lutz Maicher and Marcel Hoyer

Soft launch of the new Topic Maps Lab portal
2009-01-22 by Michael Prilop, Benjamin Bock, ...
The first priority of H-maps is the simplicity of usage. Hereby issues of technology and science can be dealt effectively - while ensuring consistent compliance with the Topic Maps standards.
