Spreadsheet Data Connector Released
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Today the Topic Maps Lab has released version 1.0 of the Spreadsheet Data Connector.
This project contains an abstract layer on top of the Apache POI library. This abstraction layer provides the Spreadsheet Query Language – eXql and additional method to access spreadsheets. The current version is designed to support the XLS and XLSX format of Microsoft© Excel® files.
The Spreadsheet Data Connector is well suited for all use cases where you have to access data in Excel sheets and you need a sophisticated language to address and query the data.
Currently the Spreadsheet Data Connector is used in our social topic maps explorer is extracted in runtime from an Excel® sheet by using the Spreadsheet Data Connector.
A download and the code is available as Open Source under the Apache Licence 2.0.
Authors of this document are
Lutz Maicher
http://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/isrm ...

Lutz is project leader of Musica Migrans, Topic Maps Lab Community.. , and Repertoire of the St. Thomas.. .
Subject Matter
Spreadsheet Data Connector
is a {{project}}.

The project provides an abstract layer on top of the Apache POI library (which allows to access spreadsheet data). The abstraction layer provides a ...
Visit homepage of Spreadsheet Data ...
As a former information scientist, I am fascinated since 1999 by the capabilities for building Topic Maps-based knowledge systems having the potential to augment human mind. One can model arbitrary knowledge organization systems, deal with semantic heterogeneity, collocate all facts about one subject in one logical place, and with TMQL have semantic retrieval on federated semantic networks. Therefore I expect bright prospects for business concepts building on the exchange of such knowledge snippets via semantic knowledge services.